Thursday, August 19, 2010

on words and the internet

Pardon a little off-topic side note.  I was listening to an interview this morning by the senior technology editor of the Wall Street Journal.  You can listen here:  Of the websites that track you online, is the chief offender, installing 234 trackers on your computer every time you open the site.  I always wondered why it took so long to load on my computer.  I'd be interested if anyone has an alternate site.  I am going to stay away.

The rest of Insides the times and seasons-Passover will be up tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if the first comment I wrote posted or not because I mistakenly clicked on the bookmark at the top of my page. I did not want to left-click it, I wanted to right-click and destroy. I must say, I am sad about this information. Also, thankful for you letting us know. I love you. :)

