Wednesday, August 25, 2010

going away

Shalom.  I'm going to be away for about 2 weeks.  I'll be working on the presentation for Inside the times and seasons for Unleavened Bread.  There are some amazing revelations there!  And as soon as I get back, the Helpful Heh will continue.  We have a lot more to cover on this useful letter.

In the meantime, keep you eyes on the skies.....

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Inside the times and seasons - Passover part 2

Please scroll down and view part 1 before viewing part 2.  It will make a lot more sense....

on words and the internet

Pardon a little off-topic side note.  I was listening to an interview this morning by the senior technology editor of the Wall Street Journal.  You can listen here:  Of the websites that track you online, is the chief offender, installing 234 trackers on your computer every time you open the site.  I always wondered why it took so long to load on my computer.  I'd be interested if anyone has an alternate site.  I am going to stay away.

The rest of Insides the times and seasons-Passover will be up tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

the helpful heh - part 2

The helpful heh got carried away.  We didn't have any extra time, so although I taught some cursive, I didn't get to post the verses in Hebrew inside the lesson.  So use your pause button!  Find the scriptures!  Read along with the teacher!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Inside the times and seasons - Part 1 of many

Here is the first part of a new series which does not require any knowledge of Hebrew.  It's the beginning of a study on the deeper meanings of the names of the feasts.  Another iron comes out of the fire....

Thursday, August 5, 2010

more on the definite article

The definite article heh is called הא הידיעה in Hebrew, from the root ידע, which means ‘to know’. The definite article means we know which one we are talking about, the door (as opposed to a door), the cat (as opposed to any cat, or cats in general), etc.

It seems like blueletterbible was down for a few days, having had a glitch in displaying the words between 5624 and 5999. I checked it this morning and the links were broken, but it seems to be working now.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

the helpful heh part 1

The first part of a teaching series for students who can already read and understand basic Hebrew.  Please forgive the bad lighting and bad splicing.  I hope to improve the next videos.....Hope this is of some help to you.

coming soon

Acquiring a whole new set of skills to accomplish this task.  Hebrew-speaks is coming soon.